Thursday, 27 February 2014

Well, it's been a little while...

As the two or three of you who have yet to delete my blog from your list may have noticed, it's been pretty quiet on the western front for a while...this blog has become decidedly sporadic.

I think part of it is that we're not in a political climate at the moment that's conducive to constructive interventions on my part and I did get a bit sick of my own negativity.

My intention earlier today was to delete most of the stuff on here then think about using it more as a forum for my thoughts, musings and ideas about what we should actually do to make things better rather than just a review of where we are.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when I read through some of my old stuff.  There's plenty of moaning in there but also lots of surprisingly interesting ideas...I may have had a few good days when I was writing some of them!

Given that, I'm leaving the old stuff untouched but still plan to think more about plans for the future than moans about the past.  It may or may not become a sort of personal manifesto (purely for my own purposes, I have to say) but that's the plan.  When I occasionally get round to doing this, I'm more than happy to debate the ideas - the argument is the fun bit!

So anyway, you may get to hear a little more from me over the coming weeks - I guess we'll see!

J  :)